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Wednesday, October 13, 2010


While Obama and the DemoBrats want to distract you with stories about the Chamber of Commerce, reports that Obama gave corporate giant General Electric - the parent company of NBC - $24.9 million in stimulus grant money. GE is run by Jeff Imeldt who is bosom buddies with Obama and sat on Obama's economic advisory board. And NBC is Obama's personal media cheer leader.

GE is also one of the two companies who are being paid billions to develop the federal database where our medical records will be required to be stored. You didn't know that? Oh, yeah, one of those pesky details of Obamacre that they failed to mention before the brainless in Washington voted on it. Why GE was awarded this contract, with little to no experience in database development, rather than Google, is no mystery. It's Pay Back Time, and we the taxpayer are ponying up the cash for Obama's Pay Back Slush Fund.

What did all the money to GE go for? posts brief explanations of each grant. For example, the Department of Justice gave GE $999,955 in stimulus money. "The goal of this program," said, "is to develop a comprehensive reasoning system for event and scenario recognition for an intelligent video system." Well, that's about as clear as mud, don't you think?

In addition to the $24.9 million it received in stimulus grants, GE was also awarded $5 million in federal contracts under the economic stimulus law. And there are likely billions more that GE received through numerous other government programs that have yet to come to light.

And while sucking up government cash with a vengeance, GE eliminated 18,000 U.S. jobs in 2009, according to their annual report. Thanks, GE, for using OUR stimulus money to provide US with jobs. And thanks, Obama, for giving away OUR money and getting nothing in return.

Obama's "gotta-pass-it-now-or-we-are-doomed" stimulus bill was supposed to create jobs, not eliminate them. But here we are, unemployment still hovering around 10%. This is precisely why we never got the "jobs" we were promised. The stimulus bill was a huge political slush fund to pay back Obama supporters.

But don't you worry. You won't have to pay for it.....Your children will.

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