Prof. Terry Lovell,(Ph.D.) at Yavapai College in Phoenix, AZ., rated 3.7 on a 4.0 scale by his students. He created this video in 2010 in response to Obama and Holder suing Arizona in an attempt to stop Arizona's 2010 immigration bill. I thought this was VERY timely right now in light of Obama circumventing Congress, again last week, by giving AMNESTY to millions of illegals in this country. Obama is doing by Executive Order what most Americans and Congress said "NO" to. In fact, Obama himself declared he WOULD NOT use an executive order in this fashion. So much for honesty from Mr. Liar in Chief Obama. And the Obama/Holder Tag Team is refusing to enforce EXISTING Federal law. Prof. Lovell is correct. Stand up now, Speak up now, get Angry now over immigration. Before it's too late and we have no America left. We must get rid of the traitors in the White House and this administration in 2012.
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Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
In Barry's own words, is he a flake? You decide. Scary to think a man with so little intelligence occupies the White House. If he's not "scripted and in front of a teleprompter," he can't speak. Don't see this on the Main Stream Media, but they sure go after Palin and Bachmann. Can we survive until 2012? Wonder how long it will take to undo the damage this White House Flake has done?

"You old white people. It is your duty to die."
Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets;
"Go back to Boston ! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. Through love of having children, we are going to take over.
Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council.
Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council.
"They're afraid we're going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They're right. We will take them over . . . We are here to stay."
Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico ,
Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico ,
"The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot."
Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas ;
Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas ;
"We have an aging white America . They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population . . . I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it."
Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party,
Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party,
"Remember 187--proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens--was the last gasp of white America in California ."
Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor,
Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor,
"We are politicizing every single one of these new citizens that are becoming citizens of this country . . ... I gotta tell you that a lot of people are saying, "I'm going to go out there and vote because I want to pay them back."
Mario Obledo, California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown, also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton,
Mario Obledo, California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown, also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton,
" California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn't like it should leave."
Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General,
Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General,
"We are practicing 'La Reconquista' in California .."
Professor Fernando Guerra, Loyola Marymount University ;
Professor Fernando Guerra, Loyola Marymount University ;
"We need to avoid a white backlash by using codes understood by Latinos . . . "
When I was young, I remember learning about the immigrants who came through Ellis Island . They wanted to learn English. They wanted to breathe free. They wanted to become Americans. Now too many immigrants come here with demands. But illegal immigrants demand to be taught in their own language. They demand special privileges--affirmative action. They demand ethnic studies that glorify their culture. They demand all of our social services, free to them. They have no intention of assimilating. They only intend to conquer. And the proof is above. And the White House is helping them.
Cut, paste and copy this post and send it to as many Americans as you can. Help get the word out.
Remember when you vote next year that we need someone in the White House who will balance the budget and control illegal immigration. If we make all illegals, legal, then we have lost our country forever. Liberalism will have won and you will have a one party system forever. Redistribution of wealth will be the law. It is called socialism. Our country is heading in the wrong direction and we are doing it to ourselves without serious protest.
When I was young, I remember learning about the immigrants who came through Ellis Island . They wanted to learn English. They wanted to breathe free. They wanted to become Americans. Now too many immigrants come here with demands. But illegal immigrants demand to be taught in their own language. They demand special privileges--affirmative action. They demand ethnic studies that glorify their culture. They demand all of our social services, free to them. They have no intention of assimilating. They only intend to conquer. And the proof is above. And the White House is helping them.
Cut, paste and copy this post and send it to as many Americans as you can. Help get the word out.
Remember when you vote next year that we need someone in the White House who will balance the budget and control illegal immigration. If we make all illegals, legal, then we have lost our country forever. Liberalism will have won and you will have a one party system forever. Redistribution of wealth will be the law. It is called socialism. Our country is heading in the wrong direction and we are doing it to ourselves without serious protest.
And Mr. Obamagration is promoting this with the back-door amnesty policy he just signed - forget that Congress and Americans have said NO to amnesty, he just made it so. Obama needs the Hispanic vote in 2012 and he's selling America to illegals just to get their vote. Had enough yet? Just wait until our "official language" is Spanish.
Bush and Obama have failed to close our southern border, and so the invasion continues.
(This information was sent to me. I thought you would like to see it.
I added my own thoughts and am passing it along.
I will have more info on the Obamagration bill Obama just signed in a future post. )
Augustin Cebada,
Barack Obama,
California Dem. Party,
illegal immigration,
Richard Alatorre,
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Did you see the news about the memorial to Rev. King that just opened at the National Mall in Washington? It's a huge stone, over 30 feet tall, containing 14 of Rev. King's quotes from his speeches, writings and sermons. Noticeably absent, though, is his most famous "I Have A Dream" speech. Very strange that quote would be excluded when it is what he is most known for.
The monument joins memorials to Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt, and it is the first one honoring a black American. It is fitting that it be dedicated in such a place of honor as The National Mall. Dr. King came to prominence when the nation was split, Blacks vs. Whites. Through those very trying times Dr. King preached peace and harmony and always demonstrated peaceful dissent. He gave his life in a violent event, but he left Americans with the lesson that peaceful demonstration can achieve great changes.
And yet there is great controversy swirling around Dr. King's memorial over choosing Lei Yixin, a master sculptor from Hunan province, China, to design and create the monument. The question has arisen, why wasn't an American artist chosen to build such an important item that will be on display in Washington forever?
Mr. Lei carried out almost all of the work in Changsha, China. He used more than 150 granite blocks weighing over 1600 tons which were shipped from Xiamen to Baltimore and reassembled by a team of 100 workmen, including 10 Chinese stone masons who were brought to American specifically for the project.
So I have a question. Was this really a job that an American sculptor could not do? I believe there are many, many American sculptors who would have been honored to work on this project and who would have done an outstanding rendition of Dr. King. I can't imagine what King would say about his likeness being conceived and created by someone living under a Communist government. Dr. King gave his life for freedom for all, and Communist China is far from free.
So again, we send jobs overseas, not only the sculptor, but the assemblers. One has to wonder why King Foundation management would hire a foreigner, who has no historical connection to Dr. King, instead of an American, who could have instilled real heart and soul into this important piece of art and at the same time would have been providing jobs for a number of Americans.
Oh, one last bit of info. Dr. King's family charged the foundation responsible for building the monument about $800,000 to use Dr. King's word and image. I suppose it's like a "licensing" fee. Gee, I wonder if the families of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Jefferson received a "licensing" fee?
The monument joins memorials to Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt, and it is the first one honoring a black American. It is fitting that it be dedicated in such a place of honor as The National Mall. Dr. King came to prominence when the nation was split, Blacks vs. Whites. Through those very trying times Dr. King preached peace and harmony and always demonstrated peaceful dissent. He gave his life in a violent event, but he left Americans with the lesson that peaceful demonstration can achieve great changes.
And yet there is great controversy swirling around Dr. King's memorial over choosing Lei Yixin, a master sculptor from Hunan province, China, to design and create the monument. The question has arisen, why wasn't an American artist chosen to build such an important item that will be on display in Washington forever?
Mr. Lei carried out almost all of the work in Changsha, China. He used more than 150 granite blocks weighing over 1600 tons which were shipped from Xiamen to Baltimore and reassembled by a team of 100 workmen, including 10 Chinese stone masons who were brought to American specifically for the project.
So I have a question. Was this really a job that an American sculptor could not do? I believe there are many, many American sculptors who would have been honored to work on this project and who would have done an outstanding rendition of Dr. King. I can't imagine what King would say about his likeness being conceived and created by someone living under a Communist government. Dr. King gave his life for freedom for all, and Communist China is far from free.
So again, we send jobs overseas, not only the sculptor, but the assemblers. One has to wonder why King Foundation management would hire a foreigner, who has no historical connection to Dr. King, instead of an American, who could have instilled real heart and soul into this important piece of art and at the same time would have been providing jobs for a number of Americans.
Oh, one last bit of info. Dr. King's family charged the foundation responsible for building the monument about $800,000 to use Dr. King's word and image. I suppose it's like a "licensing" fee. Gee, I wonder if the families of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Jefferson received a "licensing" fee?

Well, President Disaster, sure got a lot of mileage out of his Big, Black Tour Buses, didn't he? Two buses purchased to haul him and his entourage around on a Not-A-Campaign-Bus-Tour, where Obama spouted off and made promises that he's now "going to concentrate on creating jobs," (how many times has he promised that?), while riding in cool comfort on Black Buses that were built for him in CANADA! Not built by an American company with a branch in Canada, but a real, true Canadian company with ties to Sweden and Volvo.
Now if there were no bus manufacturers left in the U.S., because there's a mass exodus of jobs and companies out of the U.S, (which I will write about in another post, especially Pres. Disaster's friend, GE), then the decision to purchase foreign might make some sense.
But here's the reality. There are at least two American manufacturers of tour buses/motor coaches. They are MCI and Eagle. They both manufacture buses/coaches for many well known tour/transit companies like Trailways, Gray Line, Greyhound, and others. I'm sure these two companies would have been thrilled to build and equip $2.2 million worth of taxpayer-paid-for-buses purchased for U. S. Government use.
Instead, the Disaster in the White House decides to purchase his "green" motorized vehicles from Prevost, a bus manufacturer building buses only in Quebec. And what is he doing with this $2.2 million dollar expenditure? He's traveling around on an energy hog, gas guzzling, air polluting tour bus, promoting himself at taxpayer expense, while he demands that we drive electric tin can cars and forces the government to subsidize the death traps at $7500 a piece.
But hey, it must be okay. Canada was the beneficiary of our magnanimous gift, and they are a U. S. ally, so it's hunky dory, A-OK, don't you agree? Even though Americans are screaming for good American jobs IN AMERICA! And even though Mr. Disaster has made a multitude of "I'm going to concentrate on jobs" speeches, all with no result.
I call this a Slap In The Face to every jobless American, those newly unemployed and those who have been looking for 3-4 years or more, those who have had to take less pay, fewer hours, lost your homes, are living on the streets or in homeless shelters, everyone who's been affected by this miserable administration's inability to put you back to work. What An Insult To All Of You! Remember this when November 2012 arrives.
Oh, yeah, one more thing. Where the heck is the American Flag?? Oh, I forgot, Patriotism is not Politically Correct in Mr. Disaster's world.
Now if there were no bus manufacturers left in the U.S., because there's a mass exodus of jobs and companies out of the U.S, (which I will write about in another post, especially Pres. Disaster's friend, GE), then the decision to purchase foreign might make some sense.
But here's the reality. There are at least two American manufacturers of tour buses/motor coaches. They are MCI and Eagle. They both manufacture buses/coaches for many well known tour/transit companies like Trailways, Gray Line, Greyhound, and others. I'm sure these two companies would have been thrilled to build and equip $2.2 million worth of taxpayer-paid-for-buses purchased for U. S. Government use.
Instead, the Disaster in the White House decides to purchase his "green" motorized vehicles from Prevost, a bus manufacturer building buses only in Quebec. And what is he doing with this $2.2 million dollar expenditure? He's traveling around on an energy hog, gas guzzling, air polluting tour bus, promoting himself at taxpayer expense, while he demands that we drive electric tin can cars and forces the government to subsidize the death traps at $7500 a piece.
But hey, it must be okay. Canada was the beneficiary of our magnanimous gift, and they are a U. S. ally, so it's hunky dory, A-OK, don't you agree? Even though Americans are screaming for good American jobs IN AMERICA! And even though Mr. Disaster has made a multitude of "I'm going to concentrate on jobs" speeches, all with no result.
I call this a Slap In The Face to every jobless American, those newly unemployed and those who have been looking for 3-4 years or more, those who have had to take less pay, fewer hours, lost your homes, are living on the streets or in homeless shelters, everyone who's been affected by this miserable administration's inability to put you back to work. What An Insult To All Of You! Remember this when November 2012 arrives.
Oh, yeah, one more thing. Where the heck is the American Flag?? Oh, I forgot, Patriotism is not Politically Correct in Mr. Disaster's world.
The Left Wing Blogosphere is going crazy with the claim that Paul Ryan and other Republicans are charging, yes, "charging," constituents to ask them a question. And the charge is all of somewhere between $5-$15. That is the "charge" to attend a FUNDRAISER! Ryan and others are not holding TOWN HALL MEETINGS. Not really hard to understand the difference. A FUNDRAISER raises funds. The organizers charge enough to cover the hall and the expenses of holding the FUNDRAISER, with something left over for the candidate. They are not the same thing as a Town Hall Meeting. Get it?? Hope the concept is not beyond your capacity to "Get It."
Let me say to the Left Wing Radicals who have adopted this mantra and taken up this cause, "Wise up, people. Ryan has every right to get paid $15 an entry at an OFFICIAL FUNDRAISING EVENT. He needs to raise campaign cash just like all candidates. After all, your guy, Mr. I’m-Killing-America-Obama, charged $35,000 a PLATE at a fundraiser in Chicago, and charged something like $40,000 for ONE entry into a fundraiser held in our White House. And he's just come off of a “Campaign-Bus-Tour-That-Is-Not-Really-A-Campaign-Tour” where he raised lots of money while we paid for the trip. And he toured on 2 buses, purchased from a CANADIAN company, to the tune of 1.1 million dollars EACH. What’s Your Guy’s favorite mantra? “I am going to focus on creating jobs.” Yeah, sure. That’s why his administration purchased his wheels from a Canadian Co. And no, it’s not an American company with a division in Canada. You really need to get your facts straight before you shoot from the hip – or is it shooting from the mouth?"
There, I've told the Left what I think.
Let me say to the Left Wing Radicals who have adopted this mantra and taken up this cause, "Wise up, people. Ryan has every right to get paid $15 an entry at an OFFICIAL FUNDRAISING EVENT. He needs to raise campaign cash just like all candidates. After all, your guy, Mr. I’m-Killing-America-Obama, charged $35,000 a PLATE at a fundraiser in Chicago, and charged something like $40,000 for ONE entry into a fundraiser held in our White House. And he's just come off of a “Campaign-Bus-Tour-That-Is-Not-Really-A-Campaign-Tour” where he raised lots of money while we paid for the trip. And he toured on 2 buses, purchased from a CANADIAN company, to the tune of 1.1 million dollars EACH. What’s Your Guy’s favorite mantra? “I am going to focus on creating jobs.” Yeah, sure. That’s why his administration purchased his wheels from a Canadian Co. And no, it’s not an American company with a division in Canada. You really need to get your facts straight before you shoot from the hip – or is it shooting from the mouth?"
There, I've told the Left what I think.
Monday, August 22, 2011
In case you haven't seen it, here it is. Maxine Waters, Far Left Progressive Democrat, telling the Tea Party to Go To Hell. Last week she was mad at Obama and chastised him for lots of things. This week she must have received "The Memo" about turning her ire on the Tea Party, demonize the Tea Party, let's destroy the Tea Party - but lay off of Obama. And the voters keep on returning this nasty mouthed, hate filled woman to Washington.
I just received the following email note from Congressman Paul Ryan's Prosperity PAC. Thought you'd all like to know that as of this precise moment in time, Congressman Ryan is NOT a presidential candidate for 2012.
Friend --
Let me get right to the point. I’m not seeking our party’s nomination for President in 2012. It’s clear, however, we need new leadership in the White House. I’m committed to ensuring the success of whomever the Republican nominee is.
I firmly believe that continuing to sound the alarm about our looming financial crisis and offering solutions to address the crisis before it hits is my fundamental mission in public life. I know I can continue to pursue this goal effectively as the Representative for Wisconsin’s First Congressional District and Chairman of the House Budget Committee.
Let’s be honest, there’s enough work to be done and I need your help as much as any presidential candidate. I am definitely honored and humbled by the support and encouragement from many hoping that I would run for President, but now isn’t the time.
I’m going to continue focusing on the political goals of Prosperity Action. With your help, we’re going to educate the public about the facts behind the Path to Prosperity, fight the misleading attacks and half-truths of the left, and support the men and women running for Congress who will stand with us.
Again, thank you for your support.
Sincerely, Congressman Paul Ryan
Friend --
Let me get right to the point. I’m not seeking our party’s nomination for President in 2012. It’s clear, however, we need new leadership in the White House. I’m committed to ensuring the success of whomever the Republican nominee is.
I firmly believe that continuing to sound the alarm about our looming financial crisis and offering solutions to address the crisis before it hits is my fundamental mission in public life. I know I can continue to pursue this goal effectively as the Representative for Wisconsin’s First Congressional District and Chairman of the House Budget Committee.
Let’s be honest, there’s enough work to be done and I need your help as much as any presidential candidate. I am definitely honored and humbled by the support and encouragement from many hoping that I would run for President, but now isn’t the time.
I’m going to continue focusing on the political goals of Prosperity Action. With your help, we’re going to educate the public about the facts behind the Path to Prosperity, fight the misleading attacks and half-truths of the left, and support the men and women running for Congress who will stand with us.
Again, thank you for your support.
Sincerely, Congressman Paul Ryan
Gov't Paying Farmers, Ranchers $112M to Protect Bird Too Numerous to be Threatened
Friday, August 19, 2011
By Tierney Smith
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is paying $112 million in tax money to farmers and ranchers in 11 Western states to restore the habitat of the Sage Grouse, a bird that has not been listed as either threatened or endangered under the federal Endangered Species law because the government says there are too many of them.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced last week that the USDA would dedicate $21.8 million to pay eligible ranchers and farmers in the state of Wyoming to encourage conservation practices that preserve the numbers of Sage Grouse.
That will bring to $112 million the total amount that the USDA has distributed over the last two years to eligible farmers and ranchers in 11 states as part of its Sage Grouse Initiative.
“Working with the Department of Interior, we are working together with our producers in the Western part of the United States to avoid having the Sage Grouse be placed on the endangered species list,” Vilsack said during a conference call briefing last Thursday.
“We’re doing this by working with landowners and identifying over 40 practices that will benefit the Sage Grouse, and encouraging landowners with the utilization of our conservation program to basically utilize a sweep of practices within those 40 identified practices,” he said. “In the past two years, we’ve committed $112 million to this Sage Grouse Initiative in 11 states, using five separate programs.”
The money is being paid to landowners through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, the Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program and the Grassland Reserve Program.
Vilsack said the greater Sage Grouse has lost approximately half of its habitat in recent decades, but can still be found in portions of Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon and California.
The government is providing subsidies to farmers in these states to cover a portion--up to 75 percent, in some cases--of the cost of implementing certain conservation practices, technologies and techniques.
According to Vilsack, ranchers will be paid to implement practices such as: using “sustainable grazing systems” to improve hiding cover for birds; moving "high risk" fences near breeding sites to reduce bird collisions and removing invasive trees from grasslands to allow “re-colonization of otherwise suitable sage-grouse habitat.”
Vilsack said that farmers, ranchers and producers “don’t have to spend quite as much of their own money with the partnership, and at the same time they get some degree of certainty” that they won’t be stuck with much higher costs and prohibitions if the bird is ever added to the endangered species list.
Environmental groups have been petitioning the Interior Department’s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over the past decade to list the Sage Grouse as a threatened or endangered species under the federal Endangered Species Act. However, despite these attempts, the federal government has continued to deny the Sage Grouse classification as a threatened or endangered species because there are too many of them.
“The Sage-Grouse population as a whole remains large enough and is distributed across such a large portion of the western United States that Fish and Wildlife Service biologists determined the needs of other species facing more immediate and severe threat of extinction must take priority for listing actions,” a 2010 Department of the Interior news release stated.
“Based on accumulated scientific data and new peer-reviewed information and analysis, the greater Sage-Grouse warrants the protection of the Endangered Species Act but that listing the species at this time is precluded by the need to address higher priority species first. The greater Sage-Grouse will be placed on the candidate list for future action, meaning the species would not receive statutory protection under the ESA and states would continue to be responsible for managing the bird.”
Moreover, most states do not treat the bird as if it were endangered. In fact, according to a 2010 notice in the Federal Register, state-regulated hunting of sage grouse is permitted in all but one state, Washington.
The agriculture secretary specifically distanced the current programs from past proposals, which had threatened to impose environmental sanctions on land-use if the grouse was placed on the Endangered Species Act--measures that land-use groups labelled as "draconian."
“These programs really are designed to focus on particular conservation practices and conservation techniques and technologies. They aren’t necessarily, like other programs, designed to limit, if you will, utilization of property,” Vilsack said.
Chuck Cushman, executive director of the American Land Rights Association, told that land owners would welcome the USDA money, but not if it comes with strings attached or doesn't shield property owners from having to implement draconian conservation practices and technologies without government assistance in the future, if the sage-grouse is ever placed on the Endangered Species List.
“The problem is that the government always has difficulty delivering these kinds of services without hooks and trying to get control over the farmers in some way,” Cushman said. “But if they can work with the farmers in a genuine way and really help them and not impose a top down command-and-control will from Washington on them, then it’s a good thing.”
He added: “Any time you make land owners -- farmers -- partners rather than impose controls on them, the government is better off and the sage-grouse is better off and the country is better off, so we’ll hope that this works.”
Rick Krause, senior director of congressional relations at the American Farm Bureau Federation, said as long as the effort remains voluntary, it has Farm Bureau endorsement.
“We support voluntary cooperative efforts such as this to preserve species that are either listed under the Endangered Species Act or are about to be listed,” Krause said. “It must be truly voluntary on the part of landowners. We believe cooperation is more effective than regulation in saving species from going extinct.”
The Interior Department and the Commerce Department are actually responsible for placing species on the Endangered Species List, but the USDA manages much of the federally protected land in the United States.
Gov't Paying Farmers, Ranchers $112M to Protect Bird Too Numerous to be Threatened
Friday, August 19, 2011
By Tierney Smith
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is paying $112 million in tax money to farmers and ranchers in 11 Western states to restore the habitat of the Sage Grouse, a bird that has not been listed as either threatened or endangered under the federal Endangered Species law because the government says there are too many of them.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced last week that the USDA would dedicate $21.8 million to pay eligible ranchers and farmers in the state of Wyoming to encourage conservation practices that preserve the numbers of Sage Grouse.
That will bring to $112 million the total amount that the USDA has distributed over the last two years to eligible farmers and ranchers in 11 states as part of its Sage Grouse Initiative.
“Working with the Department of Interior, we are working together with our producers in the Western part of the United States to avoid having the Sage Grouse be placed on the endangered species list,” Vilsack said during a conference call briefing last Thursday.
“We’re doing this by working with landowners and identifying over 40 practices that will benefit the Sage Grouse, and encouraging landowners with the utilization of our conservation program to basically utilize a sweep of practices within those 40 identified practices,” he said. “In the past two years, we’ve committed $112 million to this Sage Grouse Initiative in 11 states, using five separate programs.”
The money is being paid to landowners through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, the Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program and the Grassland Reserve Program.
Vilsack said the greater Sage Grouse has lost approximately half of its habitat in recent decades, but can still be found in portions of Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon and California.
The government is providing subsidies to farmers in these states to cover a portion--up to 75 percent, in some cases--of the cost of implementing certain conservation practices, technologies and techniques.
According to Vilsack, ranchers will be paid to implement practices such as: using “sustainable grazing systems” to improve hiding cover for birds; moving "high risk" fences near breeding sites to reduce bird collisions and removing invasive trees from grasslands to allow “re-colonization of otherwise suitable sage-grouse habitat.”
Vilsack said that farmers, ranchers and producers “don’t have to spend quite as much of their own money with the partnership, and at the same time they get some degree of certainty” that they won’t be stuck with much higher costs and prohibitions if the bird is ever added to the endangered species list.
Environmental groups have been petitioning the Interior Department’s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over the past decade to list the Sage Grouse as a threatened or endangered species under the federal Endangered Species Act. However, despite these attempts, the federal government has continued to deny the Sage Grouse classification as a threatened or endangered species because there are too many of them.
“The Sage-Grouse population as a whole remains large enough and is distributed across such a large portion of the western United States that Fish and Wildlife Service biologists determined the needs of other species facing more immediate and severe threat of extinction must take priority for listing actions,” a 2010 Department of the Interior news release stated.
“Based on accumulated scientific data and new peer-reviewed information and analysis, the greater Sage-Grouse warrants the protection of the Endangered Species Act but that listing the species at this time is precluded by the need to address higher priority species first. The greater Sage-Grouse will be placed on the candidate list for future action, meaning the species would not receive statutory protection under the ESA and states would continue to be responsible for managing the bird.”
Moreover, most states do not treat the bird as if it were endangered. In fact, according to a 2010 notice in the Federal Register, state-regulated hunting of sage grouse is permitted in all but one state, Washington.
The agriculture secretary specifically distanced the current programs from past proposals, which had threatened to impose environmental sanctions on land-use if the grouse was placed on the Endangered Species Act--measures that land-use groups labelled as "draconian."
“These programs really are designed to focus on particular conservation practices and conservation techniques and technologies. They aren’t necessarily, like other programs, designed to limit, if you will, utilization of property,” Vilsack said.
Chuck Cushman, executive director of the American Land Rights Association, told that land owners would welcome the USDA money, but not if it comes with strings attached or doesn't shield property owners from having to implement draconian conservation practices and technologies without government assistance in the future, if the sage-grouse is ever placed on the Endangered Species List.
“The problem is that the government always has difficulty delivering these kinds of services without hooks and trying to get control over the farmers in some way,” Cushman said. “But if they can work with the farmers in a genuine way and really help them and not impose a top down command-and-control will from Washington on them, then it’s a good thing.”
He added: “Any time you make land owners -- farmers -- partners rather than impose controls on them, the government is better off and the sage-grouse is better off and the country is better off, so we’ll hope that this works.”
Rick Krause, senior director of congressional relations at the American Farm Bureau Federation, said as long as the effort remains voluntary, it has Farm Bureau endorsement.
“We support voluntary cooperative efforts such as this to preserve species that are either listed under the Endangered Species Act or are about to be listed,” Krause said. “It must be truly voluntary on the part of landowners. We believe cooperation is more effective than regulation in saving species from going extinct.”
The Interior Department and the Commerce Department are actually responsible for placing species on the Endangered Species List, but the USDA manages much of the federally protected land in the United States.
Thanks to the Stimulus Bill, the U. S. Government GAVE smart phones to smokers to help them stop smoking.
Almost $1 million in stimulus funds were used to give out free Blackberry smart phones to people trying to stop smoking.
The phones will reportedly make it easier for those trying to quit to access a support network.
OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK, FOLKS. WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO GIVE UP SO SMOKERS CAN HAVE FREE PHONES? Remember, 40 cents of every dollar spent on this program is borrowed money.
Thanks to the Stimulus Bill, the U. S. Government GAVE smart phones to smokers to help them stop smoking.
Almost $1 million in stimulus funds were used to give out free Blackberry smart phones to people trying to stop smoking.
The phones will reportedly make it easier for those trying to quit to access a support network.
OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK, FOLKS. WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO GIVE UP SO SMOKERS CAN HAVE FREE PHONES? Remember, 40 cents of every dollar spent on this program is borrowed money.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Last week the pundits from both political parties were full speed ahead on the rumor that Republican Paul Ryan of WI was seriously thinking about running for President. And while I believe Ryan probably has a better working knowledge of budgeting, deficits and the mess America is in than anyone else in Washington, I'm not sure he's a candidate I could support for president. I am looking for a True Conservative, small government, cut spending and do-it-now candidate. Ryan may not qualify.
Ryan proposed a budget plan to return the government to fiscal sanity - Maybe. Ryan is a passionate advocate for Conservative principles - Sometimes. Ryan's "Path To Prosperity" budget plan that came out in April was seen as a plan to return the federal government to fiscal sanity - Or was it?
When the plan came out it was trashed by Conservatives because it provided for spending to increase $4 trillion over the next five years. It reduces deficits but does not eliminate them until 2040, 29 years from now. This analysis is from the CBO. Ryan's budget projects the public debt increasing every year from 2011 to 2021. It shows the debt increasing to $16.2 trillion in 2012 and rising every year after that, going to $23.1 trillion by 2021. The plan does not address interest on the national debt. No credible proposal can ignore such a huge obligation. Forget eliminating deficits by 2040. It is financial and economic suicide to wait that long to solve our fiscal mess. And the main thing the elite media focused on was, "Oh, my gosh, Ryan wants to take away Medicare," which is a total lie and distortion of his proposal.
The other problem Ryan has is that he supported TARP, supported the debt-ceiling deal, supported Bush's spending binge, supported the auto bailout, supported big AIG bonuses. He has shown by his votes that he may have a problem understanding what Americans really want - an end to the spending, deficits and debt that led to the need to raise the debt ceiling.
The real crisis hanging over the American economy and our way of life, is not whether the debt ceiling was raised, but rather that we are borrowing 40 cents of every dollar we spend. Everyone knows this can't continue, yet no one in Washington has proposed a surefire way to end this slow national suicide. The deals being concocted in smoke-filled rooms and in the dead of night behind closed doors on Capital Hill are intended to get politicians past the 2012 election, and none of the deals solves the real crises. The so-called Super Panel as mandated in the "Debt Deal" is just another joke panel that will come up with nothing. Why isn't the House of Reps doing this work? That's THEIR job, not some hastily thrown together Super Panel. And our economy continues to BURN.
And while Ryan gets some points for proposing a plan to reform federal spending, which is way more than Obama and his henchmen have done (Dems haven't passed a budget in over 800 days), the Ryan plan doesn't cut it. It doesn't go far enough and it doesn't do it fast enough.
But I suppose it's better than nothing, "nothing" is what the Dems have proposed, and yet there it sits in the Senate. It was passed by the House and has languished in the Senate because the Democrat controlled Senate hasn't passed any of the 3 budgets the Republican controlled House passed. Ah, the nuances of politics.
The Republican establishment elites are making a colossal mistake if they think grass-roots conservatives don't understand the difference between a deal to raise the debt ceiling and a solution to the spending and deficit crisis. They are not one and the same. I'm not sure Paul Ryan gets it.
Ryan proposed a budget plan to return the government to fiscal sanity - Maybe. Ryan is a passionate advocate for Conservative principles - Sometimes. Ryan's "Path To Prosperity" budget plan that came out in April was seen as a plan to return the federal government to fiscal sanity - Or was it?
When the plan came out it was trashed by Conservatives because it provided for spending to increase $4 trillion over the next five years. It reduces deficits but does not eliminate them until 2040, 29 years from now. This analysis is from the CBO. Ryan's budget projects the public debt increasing every year from 2011 to 2021. It shows the debt increasing to $16.2 trillion in 2012 and rising every year after that, going to $23.1 trillion by 2021. The plan does not address interest on the national debt. No credible proposal can ignore such a huge obligation. Forget eliminating deficits by 2040. It is financial and economic suicide to wait that long to solve our fiscal mess. And the main thing the elite media focused on was, "Oh, my gosh, Ryan wants to take away Medicare," which is a total lie and distortion of his proposal.
The other problem Ryan has is that he supported TARP, supported the debt-ceiling deal, supported Bush's spending binge, supported the auto bailout, supported big AIG bonuses. He has shown by his votes that he may have a problem understanding what Americans really want - an end to the spending, deficits and debt that led to the need to raise the debt ceiling.
The real crisis hanging over the American economy and our way of life, is not whether the debt ceiling was raised, but rather that we are borrowing 40 cents of every dollar we spend. Everyone knows this can't continue, yet no one in Washington has proposed a surefire way to end this slow national suicide. The deals being concocted in smoke-filled rooms and in the dead of night behind closed doors on Capital Hill are intended to get politicians past the 2012 election, and none of the deals solves the real crises. The so-called Super Panel as mandated in the "Debt Deal" is just another joke panel that will come up with nothing. Why isn't the House of Reps doing this work? That's THEIR job, not some hastily thrown together Super Panel. And our economy continues to BURN.
And while Ryan gets some points for proposing a plan to reform federal spending, which is way more than Obama and his henchmen have done (Dems haven't passed a budget in over 800 days), the Ryan plan doesn't cut it. It doesn't go far enough and it doesn't do it fast enough.
But I suppose it's better than nothing, "nothing" is what the Dems have proposed, and yet there it sits in the Senate. It was passed by the House and has languished in the Senate because the Democrat controlled Senate hasn't passed any of the 3 budgets the Republican controlled House passed. Ah, the nuances of politics.
The Republican establishment elites are making a colossal mistake if they think grass-roots conservatives don't understand the difference between a deal to raise the debt ceiling and a solution to the spending and deficit crisis. They are not one and the same. I'm not sure Paul Ryan gets it.
Friday, August 19, 2011
I was sent a document containing the following presidential quotes. These words tell a powerful story that I wanted to share with you. Both of these speeches have been recorded for historical purposes and will likely show up in an American History curriculum. Two men - two American presidents - two vastly different opinions of their own importance.
"The success of yesterday's mission is a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq . The operation was based on the superb work of intelligence analysts who found the dictator's footprints in a vast country. The operation was carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force. Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers in the hunt for members of the fallen regime, and in their effort to bring hope and freedom to the Iraqi people. Their work continues, and so do the risks. Today, on behalf of the nation, I thank the members of our Armed Forces and I congratulate 'them."
"And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as I continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network. Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by my intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that I had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice. Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan."
Hubris ( /ˈhjuːbrɪs/), also hybris, means extreme haughtiness, pride or arrogance. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power.
Narcissism - self love, excessive interest in one's self; undue dwelling on one's own self or attainments.
"The success of yesterday's mission is a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq . The operation was based on the superb work of intelligence analysts who found the dictator's footprints in a vast country. The operation was carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force. Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers in the hunt for members of the fallen regime, and in their effort to bring hope and freedom to the Iraqi people. Their work continues, and so do the risks. Today, on behalf of the nation, I thank the members of our Armed Forces and I congratulate 'them."
"And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as I continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network. Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by my intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that I had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice. Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan."
Hubris ( /ˈhjuːbrɪs/), also hybris, means extreme haughtiness, pride or arrogance. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power.
Narcissism - self love, excessive interest in one's self; undue dwelling on one's own self or attainments.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The country knows Mr. O. is on an "It's not-a-campaign-trip" Busapalooza Tour. Thought you'd like to see where he went on the taxpayer dime.
Here are the cherry-picked locations Obama graced with his regal presence:
Goodhue County, MN, unemployment rate 6.8%
Dubuque County, IA, unemployment rate 5.6%
Winneshiek County, IA, unemployment rate 4.8%
Henry County, IL, unemployment rate 6.9%
And what's the unemployment picture in neighboring counties? Here's the scoop.
Clearwater County, MN, unemployment rate 11.1%
Hamilton County, IA, unemployment rate 11.5%
Alexander County, IL, unemployment rate 12.9%
Nationwide unemployment rate? 9.2%
Gee, do you think Obama's Busapalooza visited counties where he was hoping to get a welcoming reception? Counties that haven't felt the crushing sting of lost jobs and no hope?
He has no plan except orchestrating his re-election, and that's precisely what he's doing on this taxpayer funded trip. While America burns, he fiddles. Get ready, Folks, for 2012.
Here are the cherry-picked locations Obama graced with his regal presence:
Goodhue County, MN, unemployment rate 6.8%
Dubuque County, IA, unemployment rate 5.6%
Winneshiek County, IA, unemployment rate 4.8%
Henry County, IL, unemployment rate 6.9%
And what's the unemployment picture in neighboring counties? Here's the scoop.
Clearwater County, MN, unemployment rate 11.1%
Hamilton County, IA, unemployment rate 11.5%
Alexander County, IL, unemployment rate 12.9%
Nationwide unemployment rate? 9.2%
Gee, do you think Obama's Busapalooza visited counties where he was hoping to get a welcoming reception? Counties that haven't felt the crushing sting of lost jobs and no hope?
He has no plan except orchestrating his re-election, and that's precisely what he's doing on this taxpayer funded trip. While America burns, he fiddles. Get ready, Folks, for 2012.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
A Moment of Clarity expose on Obama's Busapalooza trip. It's really, really good - and funny.
Here's another story about how the Walker Budget Bill containing the collective bargaining changes has benefited a community. Oh, my gosh, it's Dane County, home of the most liberal population, most liberal political system and most liberal court system in the State of WI and maybe nationwide with the exception of California. But Walker's Budget Bill has no favorites. All taxpayers are benefiting.
Dane County has an $8 million deficit in their 2012 budget, but now thanks to a new 5-year reduced premium agreement with their insurer and additional premiums paid by their employees, Dane County has saved over one million dollars. Does anyone think this would have happened had the Demobrats remained in control of Madison? Gee, it's amazing, isn't it? The Republican bill that sparked 6 recall elections is turning out to be a real money saver for lots of municipalities and school districts. Thank you to everyone who worked hard and voted to keep at least four Republicans in Madison. Hopefully after today's polling (two Democrat recall elections) there will be more Republicans sent to Madison.
Dane County has an $8 million deficit in their 2012 budget, but now thanks to a new 5-year reduced premium agreement with their insurer and additional premiums paid by their employees, Dane County has saved over one million dollars. Does anyone think this would have happened had the Demobrats remained in control of Madison? Gee, it's amazing, isn't it? The Republican bill that sparked 6 recall elections is turning out to be a real money saver for lots of municipalities and school districts. Thank you to everyone who worked hard and voted to keep at least four Republicans in Madison. Hopefully after today's polling (two Democrat recall elections) there will be more Republicans sent to Madison.
The Obama Not-A-Campaign-Buscapade continues on. Go to this link. It will SURELY convince you that Mr. O is not "campaigning," he's just slamming Republican presidential candidates because that's his usual schtick.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Mr. Obama seems to be unable to tell the truth. He is on a "bus tour" that he claims is not a campaign tour. C'mon, Mr. O., the American people are not as stupid as you'd like to think we are. You are touring four "battleground" Midwest states, "swing states" that you know are independent and could vote either way in 2012. But nothing new here. USA Today reported on July 17 that half of the travels Mr. O. made to 40 states in the last 2.5 years were to "swing states." These states will likely determine the winner of the presidential race in 2012. Mr. O stated today in one of his non-campaign campaign speeches, "I know it's not election season yet, but..." That sure sounds like campaigning to me.
Who does he blame for the current U.S. economy and the S & P downgrade of our credit rating? Well, he blamed the Japan earthquake, he blamed the Arab Spring unrest, he blamed the Republicans for acting badly, and he blamed a host of other things. He didn't, however, point the finger back at His Highness, where the finger pointing truly belongs.
Policies in place for incumbent presidents running for re-election are based on legal opinions from the DOJ and FEC which say that "taxpayers should cover the cost of official presidential travel, while travel relating to the campaign will be reimbursed to the government through campaign funds." There's plenty of campaign money already in Obama's coffers. He shouldn't get away with sucking up taxpayer funds that taxpayers don't have. Remember our 9.2% unemployment rate, our miserable economic growth, gyrating financial markets, our credit down grade, our HUGE national debt? But Mr. O. sees nothing wrong with stealing public money for campaigning, and Chicago politics prevail again.
Did he have any new ideas in his speeches today? Well, he trumpeted more spending on "infrastructure" to put people back to work. Something like his "shovel ready jobs" he promoted in 2008. But wait, I seem to recall his stating recently that the 2008 "shovel ready jobs weren't as shovel ready as we thought." New idea? No, just more of the same old tax and spend.
You will probably see him as he enters and exits the shiny new buses he and his entourage are traveling in. Do you know what they cost? $1.1 million dollars EACH. They were newly purchased by the Secret Service for the purpose of "busing" the president around on his non-campaign bus tour. I can hardly wait until the total cost of his "meeting with Americans" trip is tallied, that we will collectively pay for: hotels, food, transportation, gasoline for 150 vehicles, choppers, security at approximately $1 million per day, and a myriad of other costs. He has no remorse or shame.
It appears to me that he is always campaigning and never governing. He promises great unity (remember, he said he would unite the country), but he promotes partisanship by blaming everyone and everything for his failures.
What's he going to do when he returns to Washington? The Obama family will be leaving for a 10 day vacation to Martha's Vineyard. Well, thank God it's not some foreign country which would cost us more millions. But I, for one, am sick of paying for his four year vacation. But on the other hand, maybe it's good that's he's not in Washington doing yet more damage.
Who does he blame for the current U.S. economy and the S & P downgrade of our credit rating? Well, he blamed the Japan earthquake, he blamed the Arab Spring unrest, he blamed the Republicans for acting badly, and he blamed a host of other things. He didn't, however, point the finger back at His Highness, where the finger pointing truly belongs.
Policies in place for incumbent presidents running for re-election are based on legal opinions from the DOJ and FEC which say that "taxpayers should cover the cost of official presidential travel, while travel relating to the campaign will be reimbursed to the government through campaign funds." There's plenty of campaign money already in Obama's coffers. He shouldn't get away with sucking up taxpayer funds that taxpayers don't have. Remember our 9.2% unemployment rate, our miserable economic growth, gyrating financial markets, our credit down grade, our HUGE national debt? But Mr. O. sees nothing wrong with stealing public money for campaigning, and Chicago politics prevail again.
Did he have any new ideas in his speeches today? Well, he trumpeted more spending on "infrastructure" to put people back to work. Something like his "shovel ready jobs" he promoted in 2008. But wait, I seem to recall his stating recently that the 2008 "shovel ready jobs weren't as shovel ready as we thought." New idea? No, just more of the same old tax and spend.
You will probably see him as he enters and exits the shiny new buses he and his entourage are traveling in. Do you know what they cost? $1.1 million dollars EACH. They were newly purchased by the Secret Service for the purpose of "busing" the president around on his non-campaign bus tour. I can hardly wait until the total cost of his "meeting with Americans" trip is tallied, that we will collectively pay for: hotels, food, transportation, gasoline for 150 vehicles, choppers, security at approximately $1 million per day, and a myriad of other costs. He has no remorse or shame.
It appears to me that he is always campaigning and never governing. He promises great unity (remember, he said he would unite the country), but he promotes partisanship by blaming everyone and everything for his failures.
What's he going to do when he returns to Washington? The Obama family will be leaving for a 10 day vacation to Martha's Vineyard. Well, thank God it's not some foreign country which would cost us more millions. But I, for one, am sick of paying for his four year vacation. But on the other hand, maybe it's good that's he's not in Washington doing yet more damage.
Monday, August 8, 2011
REASONS TO KEEP THE REPUBLICAN SENATORS IN MADISON: Walker and the Republicans put into place reforms that are producing tangible results in a short period of time.
Ashland School District - saved $378,000 on health insurance;
Kimberly School District - saved $821,000 by dropping WEA Trust Insurance;
Edgerton School District - dropping WEA Trust, expecting to save at least $500,000;
Here are additional examples. I won't include all of the links, but this information is easy to check on Google.
Baraboo School District - dropping WEA Trust, expecting to save at least $660,000;
Dodgeland School District - dropping WEA Trust, expecting to save $260,000
Elmbrook School District - changing health care provider, savings estimated at $878,000;
Mequon-Thiensville School District - saving $49,000 on dental insurance coverage;
Marshfield School District - saving $850,00 by dropping WEA Trust;
City of Sheboygan - Mayor Bob Ryan says collective bargaining reforms will provide enough savings to make up for the reduction in state aid;
Wauwatosa School District - tax levy decreasing, no programs will be cut, class sizes won't increase, thanks to the reforms in collective bargaining;
Manitowoc - Laid-off city workers may get their jobs back due to the wage/benefit reforms contained in Walker's budget. Changes to overtime rules saving the county $100,000;
Pittsville - will see a 9% decrease in the school portion of their property tax levy. "This is the first year we have not needed to short-term borrow," stated Board President Strenn;
Appleton School District - will save $3.1 million just in health insurance costs due to being able to bid out the coverage and being able to drop WEA Trust;
Racine County - inmates can now be used to perform tasks such as landscaping, painting and shoveling sidewalks. Executive Ladwig states this is a win/win for the inmates and the county. It frees up county employees for other tasks, gives the inmates a sense of value, and helps the county maintain property that has been neglected."
Kaukauna School District - hiring additional teachers, reducing class sizes, enacting a merit pay system, and due to Walker's Budget Bill, Kaukauna's operating budget has moved from a negative $400,000 to a positive $1,500,000. Much of this savings was due to being able to drop WEA Trust.
Hartland School District - switched from WEA Trust and saved $690,000;
Hudson School District - saved $832,000 on health insurance due to ability to bid the insurance.
KSTP did a study of the savings in Sheila Harsdorf's 10th Senate District. They found that Ellsworth, Prescott, Menomonie, Somerset and Hudson school districts are all reporting large savings due to the changes signed into law by Walker.
Keep in mind, WEA TRUST is Shelly Moore's union insurance company, a company that has obviously been ripping off the school districts for years, thanks to collective bargaining that prohibited school districts from seeking insurance coverage from any company other than WEA Trust. How much tax money would we have saved if school districts had been "allowed by the unions" to bid out their insurance over the years? I'd say probably many, many, many millions statewide. It's the union money train running off the tracks, finally, and Shelly and her union don't like it.
Walker just signed an Unemployment Insurance extension adding 13 weeks of UC benefits.
Passed a state budget on time, without tax increases, that leaves WI in the black for the first time in over 10 years.
Turned a $3 billion deficit into a $300 million surplus.
Cut bonding by nearly 20%.
Cut more than 1,000 government jobs, including 735 long-term vacancies.
In the first 6 months of 2011 WI showed job growth more than twice the national rate.
Protected our votes by requiring a picture I.W. at the polls.
Became the 49th state to recognize our 2nd Amendment right to carry concealed weapons.
Paid off WI's $60 million debt to MN under the former tax reciprocity agreement.
Paid back over $200 million to the Injured Patients and Families Fund. This is money that Gov. Doyle unconstitutionally raided from the Patients' Compensation Fund.
Walker expanded the prohibition against tax money being used to subsidize abortion.
Now, if you go to the polls tomorrow and vote for Shelly Moore, a staunch union and WEA Trust advocate, or any of the other union supported candidates, you will set back all of the progress listed above. Do you want to see WI's credit rating destroyed also? Do you want to see WI follow CA to bankruptcy?
Walker and the Republicans are doing the tough work that needs to be done to put WI in a sound financial position. And it's working. Please support the recalled Republicans in tomorrow's election.
REASONS TO KEEP THE REPUBLICAN SENATORS IN MADISON: Walker and the Republicans put into place reforms that are producing tangible results in a short period of time.
Ashland School District - saved $378,000 on health insurance;
Kimberly School District - saved $821,000 by dropping WEA Trust Insurance;
Edgerton School District - dropping WEA Trust, expecting to save at least $500,000;
Here are additional examples. I won't include all of the links, but this information is easy to check on Google.
Baraboo School District - dropping WEA Trust, expecting to save at least $660,000;
Dodgeland School District - dropping WEA Trust, expecting to save $260,000
Elmbrook School District - changing health care provider, savings estimated at $878,000;
Mequon-Thiensville School District - saving $49,000 on dental insurance coverage;
Marshfield School District - saving $850,00 by dropping WEA Trust;
City of Sheboygan - Mayor Bob Ryan says collective bargaining reforms will provide enough savings to make up for the reduction in state aid;
Wauwatosa School District - tax levy decreasing, no programs will be cut, class sizes won't increase, thanks to the reforms in collective bargaining;
Manitowoc - Laid-off city workers may get their jobs back due to the wage/benefit reforms contained in Walker's budget. Changes to overtime rules saving the county $100,000;
Pittsville - will see a 9% decrease in the school portion of their property tax levy. "This is the first year we have not needed to short-term borrow," stated Board President Strenn;
Appleton School District - will save $3.1 million just in health insurance costs due to being able to bid out the coverage and being able to drop WEA Trust;
Racine County - inmates can now be used to perform tasks such as landscaping, painting and shoveling sidewalks. Executive Ladwig states this is a win/win for the inmates and the county. It frees up county employees for other tasks, gives the inmates a sense of value, and helps the county maintain property that has been neglected."
Kaukauna School District - hiring additional teachers, reducing class sizes, enacting a merit pay system, and due to Walker's Budget Bill, Kaukauna's operating budget has moved from a negative $400,000 to a positive $1,500,000. Much of this savings was due to being able to drop WEA Trust.
Hartland School District - switched from WEA Trust and saved $690,000;
Hudson School District - saved $832,000 on health insurance due to ability to bid the insurance.
KSTP did a study of the savings in Sheila Harsdorf's 10th Senate District. They found that Ellsworth, Prescott, Menomonie, Somerset and Hudson school districts are all reporting large savings due to the changes signed into law by Walker.
Keep in mind, WEA TRUST is Shelly Moore's union insurance company, a company that has obviously been ripping off the school districts for years, thanks to collective bargaining that prohibited school districts from seeking insurance coverage from any company other than WEA Trust. How much tax money would we have saved if school districts had been "allowed by the unions" to bid out their insurance over the years? I'd say probably many, many, many millions statewide. It's the union money train running off the tracks, finally, and Shelly and her union don't like it.
Walker just signed an Unemployment Insurance extension adding 13 weeks of UC benefits.
Passed a state budget on time, without tax increases, that leaves WI in the black for the first time in over 10 years.
Turned a $3 billion deficit into a $300 million surplus.
Cut bonding by nearly 20%.
Cut more than 1,000 government jobs, including 735 long-term vacancies.
In the first 6 months of 2011 WI showed job growth more than twice the national rate.
Protected our votes by requiring a picture I.W. at the polls.
Became the 49th state to recognize our 2nd Amendment right to carry concealed weapons.
Paid off WI's $60 million debt to MN under the former tax reciprocity agreement.
Paid back over $200 million to the Injured Patients and Families Fund. This is money that Gov. Doyle unconstitutionally raided from the Patients' Compensation Fund.
Walker expanded the prohibition against tax money being used to subsidize abortion.
Now, if you go to the polls tomorrow and vote for Shelly Moore, a staunch union and WEA Trust advocate, or any of the other union supported candidates, you will set back all of the progress listed above. Do you want to see WI's credit rating destroyed also? Do you want to see WI follow CA to bankruptcy?
Walker and the Republicans are doing the tough work that needs to be done to put WI in a sound financial position. And it's working. Please support the recalled Republicans in tomorrow's election.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Nearly $20 MILLION has been spent so far in the WI recall campaigns, and national Democrat leaders have poured all sorts of resources into WI. The unions have sent thousands of people from all over the country, but especially neighboring MN, to WI to canvass neighborhoods, knock on doors, make phone calls, intimidate and threaten businesses and disrupt public events, like the Special Olympics Ceremony in Madison, and now the opening of the WI State Fair in Milwaukee.
To see for yourself what's going on in WI watch this news report below. It shows Governor Scott Walker at the Wisconsin State Fair doing what every Governor in Wisconsin has done in the past -ceremoniously open the fair. And there was the Left and Union mob to shout him down. Do you really want to send the Union Mafia to Madison? If not you better get out and vote on August 9. Every vote will count!
To see for yourself what's going on in WI watch this news report below. It shows Governor Scott Walker at the Wisconsin State Fair doing what every Governor in Wisconsin has done in the past -ceremoniously open the fair. And there was the Left and Union mob to shout him down. Do you really want to send the Union Mafia to Madison? If not you better get out and vote on August 9. Every vote will count!
August 9,
Governor Scott Walker,
recall elections,
Sheila Harsdorf,
Special Olympics,
union mafia,
union mobs,
WI State Fair,
Thank you, Governor Walker, for the new identification requirement to vote in WI. Starting in 2012 WI voters will have to show an ID of some sort. And oh, Lordy, the Left is screaming discrimination. But wait, you have to show an ID to do just about anything in life, buying booze, buying tobacco products, boarding an airplane, cashing a check. There are unlimited requests for your "photo" ID. Why shouldn't we have to prove who we are and that we are legal residents before we can vote.
Click below for a great article on the subject. And then thank Governor Walker and the state representatives who voted for the voter ID provision. It's about time.
Click below for a great article on the subject. And then thank Governor Walker and the state representatives who voted for the voter ID provision. It's about time.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Chipping away at morals and values, one sliver at a time. Remember when Obamacare was being planned behind closed doors in Washington, being hatched, plotted and rammed through in spite of what the public wanted? When Nancy Pelosi said "We have to pass it to see what's in it?" Remember when the subject of abortion came up and Obama and the Dems said, "Oh, No, there is no provision in this bill that lets the government pay for abortions, in fact, they are prohibited." And the skeptics amongst us said "We'll see." Well, now we see. Today the DHHS and Ms. Sebelius mandated coverage for "women's health." They are forcing health insurance companies to cover all birth control methods, voluntary sterilization, emergency contraception (like Ella, Plan B, and morning after abortion pills), breast feeding information and guidance, breast pumps, domestic violence screenings, diabetes screenings, H.I.V testing, HPV testing, annual wellness checks, etc., etc. Morning after abortion, anyone?
Insurance providers are now forced by Obama to provide this coverage to ALL women, rich, poor or otherwise, without co-payments, deductibles or any other charges. Now who do you think is going to pay for this? It isn't the government. The government is BROKE. Oh, you think the insurance companies will pick up the cost? You think so? Really? Seriously? Think again. This cost is going to be passed along to every American who has health insurance. And soon that will be everyone because we will be "mandated" to have insurance - unless the Supreme Court stops the madness.
We have gone from providing free birth control and womens' health services to poor people to mandating that we subsidize care for those who can afford it, who are currently paying for it themselves, and guess what? We are all going to pay for it whether we use it or not.
It is mandatory coverage. It is not FREE. Insurers will simply raise the cost of the premiums to all of us to pay for this mandate. So you may have no copay or deductible, but watch out, there go your premiums, up, up and away.
And jobs? How many jobs do you think will be lost in the insurance industry due to this mandate? More regulation equals less employment. Wish the inept Socialists running this country realized that.
Insurance providers are now forced by Obama to provide this coverage to ALL women, rich, poor or otherwise, without co-payments, deductibles or any other charges. Now who do you think is going to pay for this? It isn't the government. The government is BROKE. Oh, you think the insurance companies will pick up the cost? You think so? Really? Seriously? Think again. This cost is going to be passed along to every American who has health insurance. And soon that will be everyone because we will be "mandated" to have insurance - unless the Supreme Court stops the madness.
We have gone from providing free birth control and womens' health services to poor people to mandating that we subsidize care for those who can afford it, who are currently paying for it themselves, and guess what? We are all going to pay for it whether we use it or not.
It is mandatory coverage. It is not FREE. Insurers will simply raise the cost of the premiums to all of us to pay for this mandate. So you may have no copay or deductible, but watch out, there go your premiums, up, up and away.
And jobs? How many jobs do you think will be lost in the insurance industry due to this mandate? More regulation equals less employment. Wish the inept Socialists running this country realized that.
birth control,
health insurance premiums,
Nancy Pelosi,
wellness checks,
womens' health services
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
And then ask yourself if the so-called Debt Ceiling Deal just passed yesterday and today by the Washington Wackos is really a good deal. Keep in mind that the "Deal" gives Obama the Spender an additional 2.5 trillion to spend up to 2013 (oh, yes, past the 2012 election - how stupid can the Republicans be?) And in turn Obama has to decrease his "requested" spending by 2.5 trillion. Oh, no, he doesn't have to reduce CURRENT spending by 2.5 trillion to actually DECREASE our debt. He only has to decrease his REQUESTED spending by 2.5 trillion. When all is said and done we will still spend trillions more, putting us in debt trillions more, just 2.5 trillion less than His Highness really wants to spend. How can approving a spending increase of 2.5 trillion and at the same time requesting a spending decrease of 2.5 trillion not be a wash? And don't start yowling at me about Bush did this and Bush did that and Obama isn't responsible for the debt. The fact is Obama has increased the national debt approximately 30% in 2 1/2 years, and with the approval of Congress, The Beat Goes On. The Debt Deal?? It's Absolute Insanity!
And then ask yourself if the so-called Debt Ceiling Deal just passed yesterday and today by the Washington Wackos is really a good deal. Keep in mind that the "Deal" gives Obama the Spender an additional 2.5 trillion to spend up to 2013 (oh, yes, past the 2012 election - how stupid can the Republicans be?) And in turn Obama has to decrease his "requested" spending by 2.5 trillion. Oh, no, he doesn't have to reduce CURRENT spending by 2.5 trillion to actually DECREASE our debt. He only has to decrease his REQUESTED spending by 2.5 trillion. When all is said and done we will still spend trillions more, putting us in debt trillions more, just 2.5 trillion less than His Highness really wants to spend. How can approving a spending increase of 2.5 trillion and at the same time requesting a spending decrease of 2.5 trillion not be a wash? And don't start yowling at me about Bush did this and Bush did that and Obama isn't responsible for the debt. The fact is Obama has increased the national debt approximately 30% in 2 1/2 years, and with the approval of Congress, The Beat Goes On. The Debt Deal?? It's Absolute Insanity!
2012 election,
current spending,
debt ceiling,
Debt Limit,
future spending,
House of Representatives,
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