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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Freedom of Information Act stomped on by Obama

Guess what's in the finance bill that all of Congress/Obama voted for? The SEC is now exempt from the Freedom of Information Act (open records law). This is a very big deal. They are exempt from providing information to the media or anyone else on their regulatory and over site activity. I guess that means that the pornography activities perpetrated by SEC high ranking officials would never have been discovered, if this new rule had been in effect over the last two years.

Oh, you haven't heard about Pornogate at the SEC? Well, this is the story. 33 of the SEC's highest level managers (wages from 99,000 to 223,000) have used government computers to access and download porn. Examples include: (1) use of office laptop to view porn while on official government travel: (2) a staff accountant accessed porn sites 1800 times in a two week period and had over 600 images saved on her government laptop-yes, that's "her": (3) a senior attorney ran out of space on his government computer for downloaded images so he burned them onto CDs and DVDs (government property) that he stored in his government office. He admitted that he sometimes spent as much as 8 hours a day viewing porn on his government computer. This guy is one of the highest paid managers at the SEC. These are just some examples of what our tax dollars are paying for.

So far none of the guilty have been fired from their high paying government jobs, nor have they been charged with trafficking in porn. It sure appears that a different standard applies to highly paid, high ranking government employees than would apply to the general public.

This must be the explanation why the SEC failed to catch Bernie Madolff, the banks and others before they robbed and cheated and defrauded Americans out of their life savings. The SEC was too busy getting their jollies on porn sites and couldn't be bothered with doing their jobs. It's a classic example of our tax dollars being sucked into the sewer. And going into the future? Activities like this will never be discovered thanks to the SEC exemption from the Freedom of Information Act enacted by Obama.


  1. Is trafficking in porn a crime? I thought it was only child porn that was illegal.

    Maybe this is why no charges have been filed...

    Just a thought.

  2. According to the articles I could find some of the porn was child porn. But we shall see what happens.
