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Monday, August 2, 2010

Ron Kind Listening Session Today

Today I attended Kind's listening session in Hudson. He has represented the 3rd Cong. District since 1996, 13 years. During the session today he talked about earmark reform and how it is long overdue. He said Social Security adjustments have been delayed for too long. He said large corporate farmers have received most of the farm subsidies and this has to change. He said "the deficit is unsustainable." He said he supports leaving the Bush tax cuts on anyone earning over $250,000, those "rich bankers and Wall Street types", because we need to raise revenue. But the gentleman in the audience who asked about the Bush tax cuts was certainly no "rich banker or Wall Street type."

He didn't get to my question, but if he had I would have asked him, Where were you for the last 13 years if you think these things have now gone on long enough? He's voted with Nancy Pelosi 93% of the time. That should tell you everything you need to know about Ron Kind. I believe Pelosi does not represent the values of Western WI, and according to his voting record, neither does Ron Kind.

I will mention one last thing. When I have attended these sessions in the past they have put the question sheets in order of your arrival so if you arrive early you have a good chance of getting called on. So I arrived very early and was one of the first to submit a question. Because of my early arrival I expected to be called on. However, I sat in the very front of the room and observed Mr. Kind's aide previewing the question sheets and separating them into two piles. At first I thought he was separating them by subject. But two piles wouldn't fit that agenda. He then handed Mr. Kind one of the piles and the aide kept the other pile. At that point I knew I would not be called on. Mr. Kind's office knows who I am.

They don't know me by face, but they certainly know my name because I email them and call them regularly, each time filling in my name. I was absolutely certain my question was put into the pile that the aide kept to himself. I can hardly wait until November, 2010 to throw him out of office. He's been there way too long.


  1. I was at the 'Listening Session' as well and have NEVER heard as many NON-answers to questions as I did today. Oh! Except for the LAST time I went to a Ron Kind "Listening Session'. The man is not accountable to anything or anyone. Except he was VERY sure of one thing. It's the Republican's FAULT!!!!
    I was VERY proud of Lori Bernard for her comments - as she is my councilwomen, an elected official, it was VERY poignant to heard her speak to her strong desire to work within the budget the city has and NOT go over that amount. Mr. Kind, however, wants to CREATE $$$$ for his pet programs by taxing us to death.
    Just an FYI: I got a call from the Dem headquarters requesting my attendance in order to support Kind. HA! Wonder how I got in THAT list.

  2. When he said the cost overruns in the Defense Dept Budget had to be stopped, I wanted to scream at him -- where have you been for 13 years? At the end I almost stood up and officially said "good bye" to him, knowing he isn't returning to Washington. Dan Kapanke is going to beat him, and we are going to make it happen.
